Gratitude, Abundance, and the New Renaissance
It's a wonderful day to give thanks for the stories, experiences, and life that we have.
I didn't grow up poor, but neither was my family rich. All my friends lived in houses 3x bigger than the house we rented. They all owned, and I wanted what they had. Fast forward to freshman year of college at Texas A&M, and my objective was to figure out the secrets to "become rich". I don't remember who recommended it, but I began reading Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

It turns out the secret to being rich, beyond the financial, begins with gratitude. Gratitude is the foundation of a fulfilled life. It shifts our perspective from scarcity to plenty. It reminds us of the blessings, opportunities, and relationships we often overlook. It helps keep us centered in the present moment. When we practice gratitude, we create space to pause, reflect, and align ourselves with what truly matters. It’s in these moments of appreciation that clarity and inspiration emerge.
Gratitude is the secret to richness. Today is a great day for gratitude.
I left college determined to “make a dent in the universe,” as Steve Jobs would say. My ambition wasn’t just about success—it was about being the one person who would change everything. I wanted recognition, validation, and the secrets to standing in the spotlight. Looking back, this pursuit was fueled by insecurity, and while I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, it consumed me.
Fast forward to the summer of 2017. I had just closed the doors on a startup I was convinced would take over the world. I was afraid I was relegated to failure. I was lost, searching for something to pull me out. I needed something to look forward to. I needed an antidote to my failure.

Abundance by Peter Diamandis completely revitalized my perspective. The world didn't care about how I felt. It was going to innovate and create regardless.
Abundance is not just material wealth; it’s a mindset. It’s the belief that opportunities are limitless, that collaboration outweighs competition, and that creativity thrives when we see the world as a place of potential. By embracing a mindset of abundance, we recognize that our efforts ripple outward, fostering growth and generosity in ways we can’t always predict. It's when I was most afraid that I wasn't enough that abundance presented itself.
Abundance is an antidote to fear. Today is a great day for abundance.
The New Renaissance
For the past 5 years, I have been working in startups, sales, finance, & healthcare as a software engineer. My goal was $5M in the bank. That would allow me to live a $100k lifestyle if my $5M made 2% over inflation and never touched the principle. But then I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2019 by one of my best friends.
I went down the rabbit hole. I was forced to ask questions such as "What is money?", "What is inflation?", "How does the world really work?". The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous, was my entry point to Bitcoin: to a new perspective on how the world could actually work. It renewed my earlier passions in a subtle, deep way that was no longer about self-fulfillment but instead embracing the world to come.

Just as the original Renaissance sparked innovation, art, and the rediscovery of human potential, this next era is defined by exponential technology, interconnected ideas, and the opportunity to rethink our society's foundations.
This movement begins within each of us—with gratitude for the tools, ideas, and people that have shaped our world. From this place of abundance, we can create a future that inspires, uplifts and lasts for generations.
Today is a great day in the New Renaissance.
Thank you.
Township Ventures is a long-term holding company that buys and builds Texas businesses to last generations.
If you're curious to learn more about how we buy businesses or about opportunities to participate, don't hesitate to contact us.